Well, Well, Well!!!

It looks as if 32op was the hacker. What a DICK!!! Anyway since I created the site only I have the authority to delete him, which I just did. It turns out Mr. GUY was from BA or Blue Alliance. And the funny thing is he thought we would be stupid enough to fall for a stupid comment he wrote. It says it was from “Billybob” who if you don’t know who he is, he is the creator of Club Penguin. Anyway he said that if we didn’t stop this “Red Alliance” stuff he’d ban us all for life. Well he was using the email support@clubpenguin.com which is illegal, because he was using an email that wasn’t his. Anyway we can all come out and celebrate now that he’s gone (I hope). Anyway tell me what you think about “The Red Army” merge.
C YA!!!
~Freakky Poo1